Nepal, Liechtenstein establish diplomatic ties

Dec 23,Kathmandu : Nepal and Liechtenstein have set up diplomatic relations.

The number of countries Nepal has diplomatic ties with has now reached 155 which comprises over 80 per cent of the United Nations member states including all original signatories of the UN Charter.

Durga Prasad Bhattarai, Permanent Representative of Nepal to the UN, and Ambassador Christian Wenaweser, Permanent Representative of the Principality of Liechtenstein to the UN, signed a joint paper to this effect amid a function organised on Saturday in New York. UN Secretary-General António Guterres was informed about the matter later.
During the meeting held at the Permanent Mission of Nepal, the two diplomats shared their confidence that the diplomatic ties would help develop and further strengthen friendly relations and cooperation between the two countries in the UN framework and beyond.
Nepal and Liechtenstein are working together closely in the UN on issues of common interest.

Liechtenstein is a small Western European and German-speaking constitutional monarchy, with Baduz as its capital. In spite of being double land-locked (bordered by Switzerland and Austria which themselves are land-locked), Liechtenstein has a highest gross domestic product and a lowest unemployment rate in the world.

Liechtenstein maintains an active presence in the UN, including in pursuit of the rule of law in general as well as accountability, coherence and transparency within UN’s activities. (RSS)


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