Number of viral fever patients up in Parbat

Phalebas (Parbat), Aug 28: The number of people coming for treatment of viral fever to District Hospital, Parbat has been increasing for the past few days.
According to the Hospital sources, some 120 viral fever patients now visit the hospital every day. The number earlier was only around 50.
The number of patients visiting the hospital has increased by three folds for the past two weeks, with most coming with complaints of viral fever.
According to the District Public Health Office, children as well as elderly people have been more affected from viral fever.

Chief of the District Hospital, Dr Buddhi Bahadur Thapa, said that number of people suffering from viral fever has increased due to consumption of contaminated water.
Meanwhile, health workers of every health post are directed to be deployed 24 hours along with medicines after number of viral fever patients has increased in villages.
Similarly, number of people suffering from viral fever has also increased in other private health institution of the district. RSS


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